Midland County: Michigan's #1 Most Boring Hometown


Hey all, it’s Max. Welcome to Max Loves Midland!

I know this Business Insider article is a few years old at this point, but I still have feelings about it. You know how you can talk crap about your family, but when other people do it it’s totally uncool? That’s how this is to me.

Midland isn’t perfect, but it is a great place to call home! There are a lot of things to do, if you know where to look. This is why I decided to create a community calendar. My hope is that this will become a hub to find all the great things happening in Midland County! You can use this tool to find interesting things to do with your friends, family, and neighbors. This calendar will also be helpful as we can plan out future events, so we don’t have overlapping events happening on the same night. Because I want to go see the bagpipers, the KISS cover band, meet you at the bar, volunteer, trunk-or-treat, do yoga in the park, help paint a mural, connect with community resources, AND attend that educational conference, but I can’t if they’re all on the same day! Tell your friends. Add your events.

We're not where we want to be - yet. Someday I hope we can actualize our community's vision statement, “Midland - an inclusive community. Together. Forward. Bold. An exceptional place where everyone thrives.”

We can focus on the good, while working to improve the not so good. Let’s prove ‘em wrong. Midland County isn’t boring, it rocks! I mean, we have a Tridge. What else do you want?


PS- You can also read the Midland Daily News reaction to the Business Article insider here, and it makes a lot of great points!

Annie Stout