Building Safety Nets: For Those with Mental Health Needs


On August 18, 2023, the Max Loves Midland Navigation Team gathered for a meeting that was both heart-wrenching and inspirational. The topic at hand was "Building Safety Nets: For Those with Mental Health Needs." The meeting began with a deeply personal story from a community leader, a mother who tragically lost her 16-year-old son to suicide. She shared her story as a way to shed light on the importance of discussing mental health openly and honestly.

In her poignant words, she stressed, "We need to talk about mental health the way we talk about going to the dentist." She emphasized the need to remove judgment and stigma around mental health struggles, as well as the importance of not passing judgment on individuals or their families who are grappling with mental health emergencies. "You don't really know what's going on in anyone's house unless you're living in that house," she wisely pointed out.



The discussion that followed revolved around the barriers that prevent people from seeking help for their mental health needs. Some of the key challenges identified included:

  1. Thinking they don't need help: Many individuals believe they can handle their mental health issues on their own.

  2. Not being on the same page as family members: Lack of understanding and communication within families can hinder the process of seeking help.

  3. Resource limitations: Financial and time constraints, as well as job impacts like missing work, can make accessing mental health resources difficult.

  4. Stigma around seeking help: The fear of judgment from peers, family, and employers can deter individuals from seeking assistance.

  5. Availability of resources: Long waitlists for mental health services, lack of transportation options, and uncertainty about where to go for help can be daunting.

Despite these challenges, the meeting highlighted several initiatives and resources that are already in place in Midland:

As active community members, there are several ways you can get involved and make a difference:

  1. Talk with family: Initiate open conversations about mental health within your own families.

  2. Share resources: Utilize social media and the MLM website to disseminate valuable mental health resources.

  3. Share personal stories: Sharing your experiences with mental health challenges can help reduce stigma and encourage others to seek help.

  4. Advocate for change: Be an advocate for increased awareness, funding, and resources for mental health services.

  5. Offer support: Follow up with individuals with whom you've shared resources, ensuring they are getting the help they need.

  6. Engage the community: Participate in events like county fairs and National Night Out to provide mental health resources.

  7. Promote awareness: Share resources within digital social hubs and make presentations in workplaces.

  8. Keep the conversation going: Continue talking about mental health, sharing stories, and engaging with resources.

The meeting also identified significant gaps in the community, such as the need for better navigation through the mental health system, increased awareness of available options, and more intensive services. Other challenges include bridging the gap between inpatient and outpatient care, addressing technology limitations, and providing long-term care options. Employers were encouraged to consider what they could offer to support employees facing mental health challenges, including addressing transportation issues and the constant struggle for funding.

In conclusion, the Max Loves Midland Navigation Team's meeting was a powerful reminder of the importance of addressing mental health issues openly and compassionately. By getting involved and taking action, we can help build stronger safety nets for those in our community who need it most. Let's continue to work together to destigmatize mental health, support one another, and create a community where everyone thrives. 

The next Max Loves Midland Navigation Team Meeting will be held on Friday, October 20, 2023, from 9-11 AM. The theme for this meeting is Building Safety Nets: Mental Wellbeing. The Navigation Team is open to all Midland County residents but requires an RSVP. If you would like to attend future Navigation Team meetings, please send me an email: or use the contact page.


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